Google Completes Transition to Mobile-First Indexing

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Google has completed transition to indexing following a well planned and executed process over several years. This means that Google now gives priority to the versions of websites when it comes to crawling and indexing content. It’s a move that highlights Google’s increasing focus on enhancing the mobile user experience, which has been apparent in times.

With the completion of the transition to indexing, Google is now taking steps to reduce its emphasis on desktop crawling in order to conserve valuable resources. This milestone represents the culmination of efforts by the search engine giant over the years.

Google’s journey towards indexing began back in 2015 when they started giving more importance to mobile friendly websites in their search algorithm. The following year marked the introduction of the indexing process, where Google shifted attention towards crawling mobile web pages instead of desktop versions.

In a statement Google expressed gratitude towards all stakeholders who played a valuable part in making this transition successful, including site owners, SEO professionals, web developers, designers and everyone involved in shaping the mobile web landscape.

The shift to mobile indexing is particularly significant due to the dominance of mobile internet usage compared to desktops. Given the dominance of mobile devices over desktops in internet usage, it was crucial to crawl mobile versions of websites, ensuring that users will have an accurate and relevant search experience on their mobile devices.

In response to this trend websites have been gradually adapting to ensure that their mobile pages are just as feature rich as their desktop ones. This adaptation has become essential to meet the changing needs of users.

However it’s worth noting that a small number of websites still don’t work properly on devices. For those sites, Google will continue crawling the desktop versions until they become compatible with devices. As part of their strategy to conserve resources, Google will also decrease crawling of desktop pages.

In conclusion, Google has removed indexing crawler data from Search Console and this change reflects the completion of the transition to prioritise indexing based on versions rendering indexing crawler data unnecessary since all functional sites are now primarily crawled via mobile.

The successful transition to prioritising indexing based on first is proof of how central mobile devices have become in internet usage. With this transition, Google has wholeheartedly embraced mobile as the platform through which users access the web and reaffirms the importance of providing a seamless and efficient browsing experience, on smartphones and tablets. If you need any help with getting you site indexed, contact the Grofuse team.
