Google’s March 2024 Core Update: 5 Essential Insights

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The digital marketing world is buzzing with the recent March 2024 core update from Google, causing significant waves throughout the industry. This update underscores the tech giant’s dedication to improving search quality and user experience. As businesses and SEO professionals rush  to understand the implications, here are five critical insights to guide their strategy.


By zeroing in on these five critical aspects, businesses can comply with the latest changes and provide their audience with a superior experience, setting the stage for sustained online growth and visibility.

1. Enhanced Focus on User Experience (UX)

The March 2024 update emphasises User Experience (UX), reinforcing the importance of a seamless, engaging, and efficient interaction for website visitors. Google’s algorithm now prioritises sites with fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and mobile responsiveness. Websites should also aim to provide valuable content that meets the user’s intent and enhances dwell time, signalling to Google that users find the content useful.

2. Emphasis on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)

Google continues to underscore the value of content quality, particularly highlighting the principles of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T). This update demands content created by knowledgeable authors and backed by reputable sources. Sites with established credibility in their industry are more likely to rank well, making it crucial for businesses to build and maintain a strong reputation on and off their websites.

3. Greater Scrutiny of Content Originality and Value

With the March 2024 update, Google is doubling its efforts to reward original, high-quality content that provides unique value to its audience. This move filters out redundant, low-effort, or copied content from search results. Websites offering in-depth analysis, insightful commentary, or novel information will enjoy better visibility, incentivising creators to invest in unique and valuable content production.

4. Increased Importance of Structured Data and Schema Markup

To better understand and categorise web content, Google’s update places a renewed focus on the use of structured data and schema markup. By implementing these elements, websites can help search engines parse and display their content in rich snippets, potentially increasing visibility and click-through rates. This change underscores web admins’ need to adopt structured data to communicate more effectively with search engines.

5. Refined Local SEO and Proximity Factors

Finally, the March 2024 core update introduces adjustments to local SEO and proximity factors, aiming to provide users with more relevant local search results. Businesses must optimise their local SEO strategies, including accurate and comprehensive Google My Business listings, local keywords, and location-specific content. This refinement helps users find businesses near them more efficiently, benefiting both consumers and local enterprises.

Implications for Businesses and Their Digital Presence

The Google March 2024 core update has significant implications for businesses aiming to maintain or enhance their digital presence. This shift underscores search engine optimisation and the increasing importance of providing a superior user experience while adhering to Google’s quality standards. For businesses, adapting to these changes is not just about avoiding penalties or loss of ranking; it’s about seizing the opportunity to stand out in a crowded digital marketplace. Here’s what this means for businesses and their online strategies:

Prioritising User Experience (UX)

A stellar UX is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s a crucial ranking factor. Businesses should ensure their websites are fine-tuned for speed, mobile usability, and intuitive navigation. This focus on UX extends beyond the technical aspects to include the quality of the content and its alignment with user intent. Websites that offer visitors a frictionless, engaging, and valuable experience will be rewarded with higher search rankings and, consequently, increased visibility.

Building Authority and Trustworthiness

The emphasis on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) compels businesses to highlight their credibility and expertise in their niche. This involves showcasing qualifications, garnering positive reviews, and being cited as a reputable source by others in the industry. For digital presence, this means leveraging content to establish authority, using social proof to build trust, and ensuring that all information shared is accurate and reliable.

Investing in High-Quality, Original Content

The push for content originality and value means businesses need to allocate substantial time and resources towards crafting standout content. This entails going beyond surface-level articles and producing in-depth, insightful content that addresses the target audience’s needs and questions. By providing unique value, businesses can attract more organic traffic, encourage longer dwell times, and foster engagement, all of which signal to Google the worthiness of their content for higher rankings.

Leveraging Structured Data for Better Visibility

The update’s focus on structured data and schema markup allows businesses to improve how search engines understand and display their content. Implementing structured data can lead to enhanced search result features, such as rich snippets, which can improve click-through rates. Businesses should explore using schema markup to better communicate with search engines, potentially gaining a competitive edge in search results.

Optimising for Local Search

For businesses with a physical presence, the refined local SEO and proximity factors make local search optimisation more critical than ever. Ensuring accurate local listings, incorporating local keywords into content, and generating local reviews are vital strategies for improving visibility in local search results. This focus on local SEO will help businesses attract more foot traffic and cater to the local audience more effectively.

Strategic Adaptation Is Key

In summary, the Google March 2024 core update demands a strategic pivot in how businesses approach their digital presence. Businesses can comply with Google’s latest standards and enhance their online visibility and competitiveness by prioritising user experience, establishing authority, creating valuable content, leveraging structured data, and optimising local SEO. Embracing these changes is crucial for any business looking to flourish in today’s digital world.


Refrain from letting the evolving digital landscape catch you off guard. Contact Grofuse today to future-proof your digital presence and turn these new challenges into opportunities for growth.
