The Importance of SEO for Business

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Content is the latest trend in the world of digital marketing. Everybody wants to share their thoughts with loyal customers and fans, whether it’s via blog posts, landing pages or Instagram and Facebook visual content. 

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is something you have probably heard of but haven’t paid much attention to. Therefore, you may need clarification on what SEO is, why it is essential for your company, or how to implement it. 

To put it simply, to improve your brand awareness, reputation and distribution, and relationships with prospects and position yourself as an authority and trustworthy expert, you need SEO. 

SEO agencies can help develop a strategy that will help you rank higher on search engines such as Google and include SEO as part of a comprehensive digital marketing plan.

So what exactly SEO stands for?


What Is SEO?

SEO is a combination of many strategies, actions and best practices that aim to improve your website’s ranking in search engines. This is why it’s known as “search engine optimisation”.

SEO can be classified into two types: on-page or off-page. On-page SEO includes everything you can do on your website to improve your ranking. This includes things such as site speed, keyword presence, header texts, and so forth. On the other hand, off-page SEO refers to any actions taken on other websites that could influence your rankings. This generally refers to only links. 

Optimising your website for search engines takes patience, knowledge, and successfully implementing the desired off-page and on-page SEO factors. You will rank #1 if the combined power of your website or a page’s SEO is more significant than any other in relation to a particular query. 

SEO is so complex that it involves many ranking factors. You can consider the #1 site winning a triathlon. SEO is similar to real triathlons, where the winner in the running section is not always the winner of all the races. Not necessarily the top site is the one with the most traffic, pages or links. Their overall performance will determine who the winner is.


What Can We Do?

Grofuse is a Derry-Londonderry-based digital growth company specialising in bespoke SEO services. Our expert team includes several copywriters and SEO specialists who will work with you to enhance your pages’ visibility in search results, and the more likely your website will attract customers. 

We begin by conducting an entire site audit, including on and off-page, local, and technical SEO. Then, we will create a report of findings and recommendations and either implement them or hand it over to your technical team to implement for you.

Our Search Engine Optimisation experts have been working at the coalface of SEO evolution for up to 15 years. In that time, we have ensured our clients have ranked highly while optimising their conversion rates. Data and a strong focus on user intent are always at the core of our SEO strategies. 

Our experts are always ahead of the game when it comes to Google updates, ensuring rankings achieved are maintained and improved upon. By listening to our clients, we understand the results they seek – whether it’s more online sales, increased quality website traffic, improved conversion rates, or others. We ensure sites rank on all devices and rank highly for voice searches, snippets and local map listings.


Why Is SEO Important for Business?

Google uses SEO to determine which websites are worthy of high rankings for every query it receives through its search engine. Without modern SEO, it would be effortless to exploit the search results so that the site with the most pages or links is all easily generated by the software and consistently ranked #1. 

SEO is important as it ensures fair search results. This reduces the possibility of manipulating search results. It provides that sites that appear for every search are listed because they deserve to be. High search engine rankings are associated with hard work and websites that appeal to visitors. Your site will have a greater chance of appearing in the results if it meets these criteria. 

Users trust search engines. Being at the top of search engine rankings indicates that you are a reliable source to searchers. Your site will get more traffic and clicks if you rank higher on the results pages. SEO improves the user experience and makes it easier for customers to return. 

SEO is also cost-effective. Paid website traffic can be expensive for competitive industries. Of course, you can still buy ad space, but  SEO companies are an excellent option if you have a limited budget.



Maybe the most important thing about SEO. It increases your site’s visibility on search engines, where people look for solutions. It doesn’t matter what product you sell or if your business is a wholesaler. Search engines are often the first place customers go when looking for solutions to their problems. This applies whether you are looking for a pair of new shoes, a fridge, or factory equipment. 

SEO can increase your visibility. It makes it easier for people to find your website. For example, search engines will be alerted if your website sells or discusses a product if you use a keyword that refers to that product. They will then index your website and show it in search engine queries as needed. Because search engines want to deliver the most relevant content for every search query, they do this.



Increased website traffic can be achieved by being visible and ranking highly in the SERP. Organic search is the most common source of website traffic. A good SEO strategy combined with many high-ranking links can help you get more traffic than any other marketing effort. In addition, you will get more traffic if you are more qualified because searchers are searching for precisely what your product is.

Even though you have optimised your ad set, it is not guaranteed that the people you reach will be interested in your product. However, someone searching for a query will need information or a solution to their problem. SEO is the answer. So that a conversion is more likely, you can give them the information they need and a solution.



An SEO strategy can achieve more conversions. More traffic means more leads, which should lead to more conversions. For example, 800 sales can be made if 2% of site visitors convert. This means that traffic will increase from 10,000 to 50,000 per month. 

This information is essential for SEO. It can convince people that they want your product or service. Visitors will see more value by understanding what you offer and how it will benefit them. This makes it more likely that they will make a purchase.


Trust and Credibility

Trustworthiness is also a strong indicator of a company’s SEO and content strategy. Trust is built by creating informative, high-quality content. For example, blog posts that explain in detail what they offer and how they can assist you are more likely to gain trust. 

This contrasts with a website with only landing and product pages, with no information about its products or services. Building backlinks (when other websites link to your site) and having a functional website are also essential SEO components. This increases trustworthiness as well as credibility.


User Experience

Sites with a good user experience, or UX, are rewarded by search engine algorithms. You must ensure that your website is as user-friendly as possible to be competitive. In summary, SEO is about making your website simple to use too. This will reduce the bounce rate and increase time on site. In turn, this will also help you rank higher!


Final Words

SEO is essential to website owners’ strategy to increase organic traffic and build a following. But, unfortunately, SEO is not understood by everyone equally. This is especially true if bosses or clients see SEO as an investment rather than an asset. 

SEO is beneficial for consumers in times of need. Brands and their marketing efforts will be significantly aided by implementing quality SEO on their website and digital properties. You will get better results if you hire the services of SEO agencies or marketing agencies than by trying to develop your own SEO strategy. 

Grofuse can help your company with a search engine optimisation campaign and increase your digital presence. So to get a quote and start a conversation, give us a call.
